Starting today, you will see a new pdf uploaded to this site, over the next several weeks.
They are free to download and they're perfect for the individual, who is wanting to move forward as they transition into becoming a mature Christian. The outlines each week will help you reflect on what you know about your decision to be a a follower of God's words. Enjoy your lessons and feel free to download each group of PDF documents.
Note: Because the lessons are written in reflective and question format, you will need to purchase a personal journal to go with your weekly study. Please do not rush your study, take time to be solid on your understanding of God's words. Choose to be strong in your research on any given topic and as you mature, be sure to pay it forward and send this link to those who are interested in a strong, yet basic foundation on the teachings from the Bible. Feel free to contact me via email, if you have additional need for support in understanding the study (s).