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A Constant Companion

Every mother has experienced a “constant companion.”

It is found in that child - from birth who became connected to her hip. He/she followed her from room to room, whimpering to be held in her arms or touching her body.

Sometimes it’s that feeling of leaning against or crawling onto your feet as if somehow that would stay your position longer.

They would cling to your leg when they were introduced to strangers. And as they grew through their teen and college years they would cling to long conversations that often times had awkward silences lasting several minutes because neither of us wanted to end the call - even though most conversation had been exhausted and we clung to the connection despite the inevitable disconnect that was coming.

As I look at grief, especially on this day, I see - that it, also, is a “constant companion”.

The difference is found in the incredible void in the touch, sounds, and smells that are so familiar with that child.

I was blessed to have Scot (aka, mcknizzle, scotcharoo, doc, Scotty, coach) in my life for 36 years.

Although grief is a constant companion to our family - Scot’s impact for all of us is ever present in the amazing memory of his presence in our life.

There is no doubt that Scot has a host of loved ones gathering to celebrate, today.

Happy Heavenly Birthday

3/10/2024 ~~ Rhonda Lynn Myers


©2022 by Rhonda Lynn Myers.


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