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A Gut Experience…

How many of you can honestly say you know what it means to trust your gut?

Those feelings you get when something just doesn’t seem right.

Do you find yourself second guessing it? Maybe you shake it off as nothing. You wondered why you were feeling the way you did and you might have had a conversation with yourself trying to justify. So, you stuff it back and it falls into a corner in your brain for you to reference someday later when it happens again.

Feelings are always tough to sort through. Is that thought true? Is my imagination going off the charts?

I know this note seems a bit philosophical, yet it’s real. We all struggle with this phenomenon of having a feeling about something. Some call it their sixth sense, others might jokingly say it’s their ‘spidery’ sense.

Wisdom (experiences) has taught me that trusting those gut ‘urges, senses or feelings’ might have to do with more than just my sensitivity to people.

I am a firm believer that we have so much more capacity in our brain. It is like an energy source just waiting to be fanned into flame. It was put their by our creator. Yet, we still limit this power source to about 10%usage. We just can’t harness the extreme feelings we might be experiencing so the flame drops to the size of a small pilot light, just waiting to be ignited.

In the last few months my spirit has been on overload. I am overwhelmed by the needs of so many. I find myself having endless conversations with God, asking him to show me who I can help, today.

(Yeah, you are thinking..hmm, she talks to God a lot! )

It is true. It’s not because I am holy or spiritual but more that I am a processor. All my life I have been thrown into situations that required me to take time to absorb all the millions of inference that were happening, in every second, of everyday. The same is true for you – especially, if you have taken the time to read this lengthy post. 😉

The point to all this …trust that urge or nudge you are getting. Follow through with it and know that good will come.

Now obviously this is based on using positive energy in the right way. There should be no intent to hurt – in your follow through. Only that which is encouraging, comforting or edifying.

The greatest of philosophers, prophets and teachers have learned that seeking wisdom is far greater than knowledge. The difference… applied knowledge results in wisdom. I often say they were gut thinkers and they trusted it, because of wisdom.

Go for it my friends… start with those gut feelings and search for ways to spread joy, seek truth and love abundantly.


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