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One Less…

I would have never dreamed that someday I would be one child less. If anything, I would dream of a future of marriages, careers and children to complete their lives. Grandchildren would be running with their cousins in and out of endless days of being children. Dreaming of their futures like their parents. The legacy rich in happiness.

Today, we have no word, label or even an expression, I am not a widow, not childless, but instead, I am one child less.

I am one year less, one touch, one hug, one text message, or one insightful discussion less and today I am one thanksgiving holiday, less.

Those who follow my writings know that I am fairly transparent about my journey in grieving. There are many days throughout the year where the ebb and flow of grief sends us quickly down the path of pain and loss. A moment or, that song will trigger the painful memories and the realization happens …there is no “One” – you are gone and I am – less.

Rhonda Lynn Myers – Thanksgiving and Christmas 2021.

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