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Weekly PDF's - Weeks of 27 -40

Week 27 - Dealing with Sin and Spiritual Warfare
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Week 28 - Dealing with Sin and Facing Temptation
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Week 29 - Dealing with Sin and Confession to God
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Week 30 - Dealing with Sin and Confession to Others
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Week 31 - The New Testament Church
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Week 32 - Christ's attitude toward His Church
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Week 33 - The Call to Love One Another
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Week 34 - The Call to Unity
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Week 35 - Spiritual Relationships in the Church
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Week 36 - Counsel and Correction in the Church
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Week 36 - Counsel and Correction in the Church
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Week 37 - Assembly in the Church
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Week 38 - The Lord's Supper in the Church
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Week 39 - Stewardship
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Week 40 - Self-Image
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