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The travels and adventures of the newly retired sojourners.

She said, let's go here and so the travels began

Hello to all and welcome to the travel blog for the dynamic duo: Bryant and Rhonda Myers. We have spent a lifetime of taking care of our families, including our church family and now as we retire we begin our journeys across the continental US.

The timelines might be off as these are being added post travels.

To all who follow and are contemplating retirement, let us be the first to tell you. Do it! There is no perfect time worth any extra money that you think it will bring.

Inflation is at an all time high and we are still making retirement work for us. Who knew - within the first year, we would be experiencing grocery bills, fuel costs, restaurants and the list goes on - high costs beyond what we budget for, yet we are here and choosing to enjoy our senior lifestyle. After all, we can't take it with us 😁

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Š2022 by Rhonda Lynn Myers.


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